Beyond the Facebook
What would the other me look like?
The assignment is to come up with an alter ego that is different from myself. The first part of the assignment was to find out who I am as a person. And from that research I started to develop the alter ego.
How does the process go?
One of the first assignments was to look at what I myself find interesting and from there to find a subject or reason for the alter ego. Feeling, capturing the moment & colour were the first keywords that came to mind. From there I started thinking how my alter ego would work as an impressionist. And that went well hand in hand with what my vision was.
My alter ego is someone who wants to capture his moments (the now) in his own way.
From this idea I started generating sketches & work. The first step was to write something down. The first step was to capture my moments in text. But only what moments did I have to capture exactly? My thoughts, what was happening around me? By experimenting these questions came to the surface and I was able to establish that asking questions & making work gives a lot of insights. Many directions for me to go further. I decided to look up the ‘now’, what it meant exactly. In doing so, I looked at what other people need ‘now’. On google, for example, I looked up what people needed now on the internet. And the first thing people need is Facebook.
Evaluation & Assessment
For my thesis I tried to draw ‘the now’ to my alter ego. He sees it differently from how people see it. My alter ego deconstructs the image and makes it different. How he sees it. He wants to bring the moments he captures back to the essence. That’s why I’ve taken images back to pixels. To bring back the ‘now’ of Facebook to the essence, the html code of the website.
The process of this project went very well. During the process I created many directions and chose the right ones. With some of the sketches I continued experimenting and others I stopped. I also tried to broaden my vision & my own view and that worked out well.